Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Toe in the Water

O is for Overwhelming

Pricy used textbook. Check

Course Syllabus. Check

An overwhelming sense of dread and fear. Check. Check.

Must be back to school time!!! No, preschool hasn't started yet. Graduate school. I began my journey through online graduate classes this past Monday and that old familiar feeling of "what have I gotten myself into?" has returned; that same feeling that would make me a little bit disappointed that West Chester didn't burn down over Christmas break. It's a wonderful time of year. Regardless of whether this is the first of many classes or simply just a quick dip in the pool, it's in a word....overwhelming.

This got me to thinking about being overwhelmed and I had to wonder if I ever still get overwhelmed by God. For someone who has been a believer for many years, it is so easy to forget to be overwhelmed by God. We have a God who said "Light" and the sun went into existence. A God who shut the mouths of lions so that Daniel might live. A God that casts our sins as far as the east is from the west. If that doesn't constitute overwhelming, I'm not quite sure what does.

So, as the days turn into weeks and I become more and more overwhelmed about that 15 page paper, written in APA style (say what?), I know that I just need to remember I have a God bigger than me. And bigger than that 15 page paper.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The end of the dance.....

So this is the finale of the dance.....enjoy!!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

You have to love the little guy.....

Jake, without a doubt, has the music in his soul. Even his daddy has a hard time keeping up.

We love you Jake!!!! We already miss you.....and your mommy and daddy!!!!